Jo is for Jo March, of course, and also St. Joseph. Lucy is for St. Lucia, Lucy from Narnia, and just for being "Light". 🥰

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This was such a beautiful post Amanda! I find that often happens -- I'll be writing or thinking on something and it will all come to a head on a providential feast day. It's so true, and nearly impossible to believe in the moment, that our crosses are our way to heaven - but I think even when we look back, many of us will have stories of dark nights in our lives that needed to happen for some greater joy ahead. Who knows the many ways our crosses are leading us toward the good!

Thank you for sharing these beautiful songs for your daughters. I also would be thrilled to be a girl mom. If we have any more children, I always say I would be thrilled to have little girls. It does feel like a calling! (If my future son never reads this, of course I love you dearly! 🥰😅)

I didn't consciously pick these songs but we have a few for the girls - Jo "the wind" by cat Stevens just calmed her down no matter what. And Edelweiss has always been her sleep song. Lucy I sing Auld Lamg Syne to before bed.

Even Nietzsche, so hardnened to so much, said, "without music, life would be a mistake!"

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Edelweiss was the song my mom used to sing to me! I’ll have to listen to Wind. I remember you saying where you go Jo’s name from. Is Lucy literary as well? Lewis??

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